RAL Ad-Hoc Committees

Student Competition Award Committee

Student Competition Award Committee administers the student competition conducted on the Regional level

Committee members:

Dr. Samir Traboulsi, Chair

Dr Samir Traboulsi

Student Competition Award Committee Chair

CRC & RPM hosting chapter selection committee

CRC & RPM hosting chapter selection committee receives RAL Chapter submittals to host the annual CRC or the annual RMP meeting and advise the Region on the best hosting Chapter application.

Committee members:

Maged Fuad Hashem, Chair

Maged Fuad Hashem

CRC & RPM hosting chapter selection committee Chair

Financial Support & Fund Raising Committee

Financial Support & Fund Raising Committee seeks the financial support of the Region-at-Large

Committee members:

Dr. Ahmed Alaa Eldin, Chair

Dr. Ahmed Alaa Eldin

Financial Support & Fund Raising Committee Chair

Regional Lecturer Committee (RRL)

ASHRAE RAL Regional Lecturers (RRL) Program began in Society Year 2020-2021. The purpose of the program is similar to the DL program which is to provide ASHRAE RAL Chapters with lecturers equipped to speak on relevant subjects of interest to ASHRAE members and guests without incurring huge costs. The RAL Regional Lecturer Program is supervised by the RAL Chapter Technology Transfer Committee.

Committee members:

Mohamed Tassi, Chair

Mohamed Tassi

RRL Committee Chair

Honors & Awards Committee

Honors and Awards Committee administers the honors and awards program of the Society under guidelines established by the Board of Directors. This committee reports to Members Council

Committee members:

Mohamed Ibrahim, Chair

Mohamed Ibrahim

Honors and Awards Committee Chair

Audit Committee

Audit Committee provides oversight focused on financial reporting, external and internal audit functions, compliance with legal and regulatory requirements and internal controls to promote good financial stewardship in accordance with the Bylaws and the policies set forth by the Board of Directors. The goal of the committee is to protect the organization’s assets, strengthen the reliability and accuracy of financial reporting, and reduce the risk of fraud.

Committee members:

Fadi AbouJamra, Chair

Fadi AbouJamra

Audit Committee Chair

Regional officers assessment

The Regional Officers Assessment Committee works on following up with RAL Officers and supports them in keeping the performance 

Committee members:

Bassel Anbari, Chair

Bassel Anbari

Regional officers assessment ​Committee Chair

Commercialism Policy Committee

Commercialism is the inclusion of visual, written, or verbal references to any organization that may imply promoting
or giving a commercial advantage to one organization or a commercial disadvantage to a competing organization

Committee members:

Jalal Fathalla Ifsaisi, Chair

Jalal Fathallah Ifsaisi

Commercialism Policy Committee Chair